Marie Harf is the US
State Department spokeswoman who has come under criticism for her
statements that the way to defeat ISIS isn't with force, but rather
social change—specifically to improve their economic prospects
and give them good jobs. Even
Chris Matthews, who normally throws softballs at the Obama
administration, was flabbergasted.
Explanations for
Harf's statement have ranged from her living in a bubble (and thus
she naively thinks the whole world is similar to the the bubble she
lives in) to a lack of core religious beliefs (and thus is unable to
comprehend how powerful a force religion can be in someone's life).
I'd like to approach this from a different angle: women's attraction
to alpha bad-boys.
Even the most
blue-pill guy has noticed women can't resist alpha bad-boys. There
are good (and logical) reasons for this, rooted deep in our human
past (which I'm not going to elaborate on now). For the moment, all
we need to do is acknowledge that this phenomenon exists.
Part of the bad-boy
syndrome is the idea that under that bad-boy persona is really a
good-guy just waiting to come out (or be brought out by the love of a
good woman). Countless fathers have counseled their daughters to quit
dating some guy because “he's nothing but trouble,” only
to have their daughter reply “Oh Daddy, you just don't
understand him.” Actually, the dad does understand him; it's
the daughter who doesn't. It's the daughter that is seeing a
non-existent underlying good-guy persona; it is the daughter who is
attributing attributes to hmi that don't exist; it is the daughter
that incorrectly think he would become a good guy—if only the
circumstances were different.
Rather than retract
her statement, Marie Harf has doubled down. Saying that her comments
were “too nuanced” for her critics to understand. The
political equivalent of “Oh Daddy, you just don't understand
him.” Most people look at ISIS and see a group of terrorist
bent on destruction. Marie Harf sees a bunch of alpha bad-boys who,
with the right combination of love and understanding, can be turned
into the good-guys they always were inside.
The reason so many
women complain that all men are jerks, is because they keep choosing
to hook up with the alpha bad-boys (the jerks) thinking they can
reform them and release their inner good guy. This plan rarely (if
ever) works out, because there is no good-guy lurking inside. They
are what they are: bad men. Plain and simple.
Of there is a good and logical reason for women liking alpha bad boys, should we not strive to do the same? What use is being a Goodman if we are betrayed by society government women and family?